Our DX-Group prefers to have Members who really intrest to become a member of our Group and use the IR Callsign on a regular base.


Therefore we recommend people who are not allowed to use any other callsign from their current dx-group, not to become a member of the International Radio DX Group only for the fashion.


The simple reason: You can never use the IR callsign and we ( IR-DX Group) like to have active Members !


Befor anyone is joining  the IR-DX Group, our directors would like to have information about this "Future Member".

It is great if you could get personal contact to your IR-director. This is, of course, not often possible.

So we ask you to send us a letter or e-mail telling something about yourself and your DX-experience, your current callsign etc etc etc


If you really want to join us ? So click Contact us  and send us a message !


If there is a Country Director for your Division the Letter or eMail will be forwardetd to him. So he will contact you and tell you have to do more to become a Member !


If there is no co-ordinator , ,someone of the IR-DX HQ will contact you !